The DJ Guy Entertainment

The Classic Bride Package

Your entire reception covered beautifully with a single 3CCD camera. From the grand entrance of the bride and groom to the final, breathtaking departure together, your wedding will be edited with professional non-linear software, utilizing simple fades, cuts and titles. All produced on the medium or your choice. 1 VHS tape or DVDs.

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The Beautiful Bride Package

This package includes up to 6 hours of complete coverage. Single 3CCD camera coverage begins one hour prior to your ceremony to capture the timeless events leading up to that moment where a new beginning is started. Also you will receive, 30 minutes of ceremony coverage and 30 minutes of post-ceremony coverage.
For your reception, this package has up to 4 hours of complete coverage utilizing a single camera to capture all of the festivities of the evening. Everything is externally edited with professional non-linear software featuring black & white fades and special effect transitions set to music. All produced on your choice of 2 VHS tapes or 2 DVDs.

The Timeless Elegance Package

This package includes up to 7 hours of complete coverage. Single 3CCDcamera coverage begins (2) hours prior to your ceremony to capture the timeless events leading up to that one moment where new beginnings are started. Also you will receive, 30 minutes of ceremony coverage and 30 minutes of post-ceremony coverage. One wireless lapel microphone is used to capture the soft moments at the alter.
For your reception, this package has up to 4 hours of complete coverage utilizing a single camera to capture all of the festivities of the evening. This will include guest interviews and special messages from friends and family. Everything is externally edited with professional non-linear software featuring special effect, black & white fades, transitions and slow motion set to music. DVD motion menu. Titles and Credits. All produced on your choice of 2 VHS tapes or 2 DVDs. All produced on your choice of 3 VHS tapes or 3 DVDs.

Wonderful Add-Ons

Photo- Montage

This is one of the most popular video options available. Up to 40 still pictures of you and your fiancé from childhood, school days, courtship and the beginning of a new life together. This is also wonderful to play at your reception or rehearsal dinner.

Video Love Story

(utilizing still pictures along with video). We will shoot, on location, you and your beloved as you tell your story of how you both decided to spend your lives together. How you met, your courtship, and how you knew this was the one for you. Candid moments and interviews to last a lifetime

Wedding Day Highlights

This is a beautiful teaser and the absolute perfect gift for those family members or close friends who could not attend your wedding. Artistically mastered and gracefully presented, set to music, the short version of the most memorable moments of the entire day.

Reception Photo Montage

This is an artistic montage utilizing still pictures from the reception to display the dramatic elegance of the evening

Bridle Luncheon/Golf Outing

All the fun and candid moments for you to remember on crystal clear digital video.

Rehearsal Dinner

With an ensemble cast, starring your family and closest friends as they wish you the best at new beginnings.

Honeymoon Photo Montage

Growing more popular by the second. This is a fantastic way to remember you're once in a lifetime experience with the person you love.